Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Why am I doing this?

Well, since I will be sending this blog site to everyone I know, I might as well address the question that I get asked everytime someone hears about my little endeavor. Why am I moving overseas for a year and a half? The answer is simple. Why not? I am young, I have no ties to the United States that would keep me from traveling, and, well, I really enjoy what little traveling I've done.
Also, for whatever reason, the Lord made me a little different than most, and I think any of my friends or family can attest to this, and I am simply unstimulated and unsatisfied with the normal and average lifestlyes and experiences. I guess that I bore easily and crave the things most don't bother reaching for. My favorite author, Donald Miller, wrote a book about his own experience of selling all he had and taking a road trip across the country to experience the deeper things of life and offered a quote that hit home with me and what I'm doing,

"Trips like ours are greener grass left unknown for fear of believing trite sayings; sayings that are sometimes true..."

Most people think I am halfway crazy for just leaving all I know behind for some random trip to Australia, but I honestly think this is something many dream of doing, and few dare have the nerve, bravery, and stupidity to do themselves.

But it seems quite simple to me however; I want to travel and see the world, the Lord has blessed me with all the avenues to make this feasible, it will be something to remember for a lifetime...why would I not go? Just because its out of my comfort zone does not inhibit me from taking this trip, so I will soon be on my way!

I'll be in Australia from Feb 5th to June 5th, then New Zealand from June '08 to June '09. While over there I will find whatever random jobs I can find, since I will be on a temporary work visa, it's going to be hard to find any major jobs, but my main goal is to travel as much as possible, so I will do whatever I can find to pay the bills and finance these journeys.

I am not going to "find myself" as I've been mockingly asked my many, that just sounds lame. What does that even mean? I'm not going to find the Lord, He found me. I'm also not running away from anything here or trying to escape real life.

My goals are these; I want to meet some interesting folks, see some things I would never see otherwise from a Dallas cubicle, hopefully share the love of Christ, and turn the things I believe about life and the Lord into things that I actually trust...head knowledge into heart knowledge. And if these hopes are too high and I completely bomb and accomplish none of them, I'd at least like to hold a koala bear..I'd still call that a win.


Sum said...

way to join the blogging world Jeff!!

Dear Maggy said...

I'm proud of you Jeff! Your absolutely right, this world was made to enjoy, and I believe to NOT live life to the fullest is, in many ways, sin. I hope you are able to share to love of Christ with people around you there. Oh, and I'd like to share a stupid question that people asked us when we were going somewhere "unsafe" (aka, anywhere BUT America): "Are you taking your kids with you?"

...wow...some people just don't get it...

love ya,

PS: Remember, it is called a koala BEAR for a reason!

Eron said...


Well, bro, off you go. There's a part of me that doesn't know what to say; another part that wants to say a lot; and yet another part that wonders if anything should be said at all.

As a true friend I have the very delicate balancing act of giving words of encouragement without being silent about "trite sayings...that are sometimes true," or coming across as just another person who "just doesn't get it."

We have history together--a memorable, cherished, and sometimes criminal (fireworks) history. You may say that you are not like most, but I know you like most don't. I've seen you up close, especially during the crucial years and events that have formed your interests today. I am happy to know you as a friend, to have the privilege of pointing things out that most won't (or can't for that matter), and to have confidence in you as you travel to somewhere unknown.

I have no concerns that you won't make the most out of your time there. In fact, I think you will have a great time every moment you are there--one that might make a great book one day--too bad Bilbo and Donald Miller already beat you to it.

Know that above all I am continuing to pray for you and I have nothing less than a Gospel love for you. Most of all I do hope Christ is the center of your travels and not you. Come back and tell me about all of your adventures in a Hobbit accent--you know New Zealand is where they shot LOTR.

And if you don't pet a Koala bear, be sure to bring back and Australian Thin-tailed Pocket Coon.

Peace out Slappy.

lindzikins said...

holy trash dude..it's almsot time.. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see the ways that God works throught your life while you are overseas...it's going to be awesome... You have so much courage and passion to follow Gods plans for your life and I can't tell you enough how much I look up to that in you... you inspire me to go after the things I've always been too insecure or scared to go after...you've always pushed me from that first bible study we had in our group forever ago at camp (speaking of that can you believe that that was over 10 years ago...we're getting old) and your right your not like anyone else but that is the very thing that makes you so spectcular...keep being different and march into the unknow with the passion of the lord, the sun on your back and the excitement of new begingings that will mold and shape you to the person God waiting to see....I'm so so so proud of you and I know that your journey into this awesome adventure will be one that is fully blessed....(((I'm so jelous...take me ...pack me in your suit case and sneak me on the plane...lol jk guess not the hubby might miss me when he starts noticing all the dishes pileing up....lol...))) have a fantastic trip and don't forget to keep in touch or i'll just have to hurt you...luv you bunches and stay motivated ,true to yourself and God, and box and kagaroo for me...laterz

Laura said...

it wouldn't be right if you didn't sneak at least one "pet" on the plane ride back home.

keeping you in my prayers. i know you'll make many memories. may the Lord use you far away as well.

Matt Egelhoff said...

DUDE! i am looking forward to checking this blog daily... so keep it up homie! (unlike me... seriously, dont check out my blog at mattsmidnight.blogspot.com)

Dude, i totally get it! and i'm a little ashamed to say that I am one of the people you referenced as not having the stones to do something like this. of course, i simply wasnt able to do it before i got married, and now... well i have a child and a wife and it would be quite irresponsible to leave them and go half way across the world. Doesn't mean that i dont want to though.

i love ya man. praying for you of course!