Saturday, February 9, 2008

Well it has been an exciting few days since my last entry here, done some really amazing things! Two nights ago I shaved my face for the first time in a year and went and saw a shakespeare play at the Opera House which was an awesome experience, then yesterday we got on the train and decided to do some exploring around the outskirts of Sydney. Colin and Andre'a had some contacts so we met up with them and it turned into quite the interesting day. Apparently when you have no idea where you are and no clue where you need to be going, commuting on public transport proves a smidge difficult. We got off on the wrong stop and trains only run every hour here we walked a good ways to our next stop, forgot our bags at a house and went through quite a bit to get them back. This is where I ran across my first bag of chicken flavored potato chips, and an Outback steakhouse in the middle of Sydney...I was kinda disappointed I'll be honest. Then, as only fitting for Jeff Stafford, I ended up partaking in a philippino bbq....we met the nicest family ever and went to their house and had a huge meal of bbq'd lamb, pork steak and chicken, along with other things that I had no clue what they were. but apparently they are popular in the philippines, so I went with it. Was very enjoyable talking to them about world issues and learning different views, and they were Christians so it was very encouraging to hear of their faith in a place so far from home. Then we met up with another girl they knew and she drove us around all night and showed us the sights as we had language lessons, and I think its safe to say we have successfully converted at least one Aussie to the use of "ya'll", although in exchange we agreed to start using "you's"... a hard bargain but well worth it. Went bowling with her and a friend, and Colin and I stunned them with our amazing bowling skills, such as the classic "behind the back" bowl and the renowned Granny Bowl...all in all a good night.

did I mention it costs $14 to bowl here? yea I need to get out of Sydney quick, it is so expensive and I am quickly growing tired of the big city life. I am planning to move in the morning, most likely I will catch a bus and go north along the coast. The thing I love about this trip is that I have absolutely no clue what I am doing or where I am going, and somehow its ok. I can just pick up whenever I want and I have to freedom to go anywhere I please, so...I am going to! I am just going to get on the bus and whenever I see a place that looks good, I'll stay? simple I guess, we'll see how this works out in a few days... I am also considering catching a plane over to Perth on the west coast, but its quite a committment because thats the equivalent of flying from florida to california, so it better be good! I may try to head to the reef first before I fly out and scuba a bit, but I think money will be the ultimate factor their, so time will tell. Did I mention that I ate kangaroo in my last post? I did, and wow was it "gamey". bad. but it was also from a side street Kabob place, so probably not the highest quality meat...but mark that one off the list. Oh, and definitely found a Kangaroo Scrotum bottle opener in a gift shop which turns out to be fairly popular over here...only I would stumble across such a wonder...


Anonymous said...

What up G?
Memaw says hello. Are the folks in the picture your bloaks from over here. Are you a bloak now? Have you tried some Vegemite? They claim it's good for you. Might help to knock out that cold mate.
Have fun and be careful mate.

Unknown said...

You have a cold? Good thing we packed the medicine kit!

Did you not learn about eating things from street markets after the spinach thing in New York???

Bex said...

i love your blog!! ok, i'm adding you to my friend list...